Yay! It’s Time to Celebrate 🙂
As they say good things must be shared, we are here with 4:
#1 – We found a diamond
Finding good talent is not easy. Good talent is as rare as diamonds. But we found one – yes she is a diamond. Our youngest writer – only 17 years old, an avid reader since childhood, a top scorer in academics. At first, I was skeptical if we should onboard her to the team. But she proved me wrong. I am happy she did. Now let me tell you, why am I calling her a diamond. She recently did a project with me. It required a good amount of revisions. Â Then I asked her – “What did you learn from the revisions we made to this article?”. Her response impressed me. Check it here:

That’s exactly our approach to writing – simple, actionable, well-researched and engaging.
Her positive attitude, ability to learn so quickly, taking note of little things and keeping them in mind for further assignments make her a diamond.
#2 – A story by us became top story on Hackernoon
Couple of years ago when I started contributing articles on Hackernoon. It used to take 3 weeks for publishing. The publishing time eventually kept reducing with every submission. 3 weeks, 10 days, 1 week, 3 days, 45 minutes finally. Yes! Yesterday it took just 4 minutes for Hackernoon to publish this story by us – “How the latest internet sensation Wordle went viral?“
#3 – A tweet landed us a new client
We had shared a storytelling framework called “The Hero’s Journey” in a super easy to understand graphic in a tweet. That brought our client to the article we had written –Â “Why Squid Game Went Viral?”. He was so impressed with our work that he asked us to do content writing for him.
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#4 – Our client’s win is also a reason to be happy
One of our clients got a big round of funding – 30 million USD. We didn’t contribute in any way to this success. But, for us, happiness is to see our clients grow. We are fortunate that they consider us a part of their own marketing team.
We wish to see you grow as well. If your organisation wants its content marketing strategy designed by Concurate, let’s connect over a short call. Block our calendar today!
Here is our little gift to you –
“22 Ways to Make Content Marketing Work for You in 2022“
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