Don’t be a Crocodile Salesman!

What’s your sales strategy ? Is it to bombard the user with the plethora of information about your product/service offerings?

If yes, this sales strategy is under the danger of crocodile sales.

Imagine a crocodile (Or look at the picture below), I am sure you can see it’s big mouth but can you see it’s ears? Barely visible, right? Big mouth implies too much talking and small ears implies too less listening. But, Who is a Crocodile Salesman after all?

Big mouth and small ears of crocodile denotes a sales strategy of more talking and less listening.

Crocodile Salesmen are people who are always talking. They’re pitching to you. They don’t take the time to realize what your true motivations are because they’re too busy telling you what they THINK you want to hear. Trust me – your chances of selling are much lower if you’re talking rather than actively listening.—Mark Suster, The Danger of Crocodile Sales

So here is what your salesperson should actually be doing:

  1. Be all ears to the customers’ pain-points.
  2. Be empathetic in his approach while engaging with the client.
  3. Tell how your product/service is going to resolve customer pain-points.

For example :

Imagine a salesperson promoting a detergent at a superstore.

Crocodile Mode:

“Hello Ma’am! This is our premium quality detergent. It is great at taking out stains. This detergent leaves the clothes with a fresh fragrance. It uses nano technology to pull out dirt and bacteria from clothes. And the best part is: it costs less than most of its competitors. Shall I add it to your cart Ma’am?”

Non-Crocodile Mode:

This salesperson would want to talk about the various challenges faced while washing clothes. This sales person would curate his questions differently for different personas. For Example, below are the different ways to open conversations with different people at the super mart:

While addressing a lady with a baby.

“Hello Ma’am! Does your baby’s dress show up the banana she ate even after wash?

While addressing a guy with great physique:

“Hello Sir! Has it ever happened to you that your work out clothes did not feel fresh even after wash?

While addressing a mom with kids (With colours and paints in her cart):

“Hello Ma’am! Has it ever happened to you that the stains of paints remained on your kids’ clothes even after wash?

After opening the conversations and listening to people about their washing problems. Also discussing which washing machines or detergents do they use. The salesperson can propose the detergent at the same time highlighting the relevant feature. And if the conversation is convincing enough the sales person has won the customer and customer would himself/herself ask for the detergent to be added to the cart.

So what type of a sales person are you? Crocodile? Or you are not sure what type? Drop us a line.

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